Jain Connect

1st Jain Connect Virtual Singles Mixers

ZOOM Virtual Event

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Join Jain Connect for our first Virtual Singles Mixer on September 12!

We know. Meeting new people in 2020 is difficult. Join us for (one more) Zoom call on Saturday, September 12 at 1pm PST / 4pm EST. While we can’t make any guarantees, we are confident that you will leave the meeting feeling even more connected.

What’s in it for me? Great question. We have two fun and engaging hosts – Varun Gandhi and Meit Shah – who will tap into their Zoom technology skills to make this as interesting as possible through a computer screen. They will weave jokes and serious relationship advice between breakout sessions where you will meet other singles in groups of 4. We’re not trying to make it awkward. But rather a place where you can meet someone new.

Register today (AND EARLY) as we only have 100 spots for this event. Of course, if we get more interest, we’ll open up future sessions! To register, you simply will create a profile on Jain Connect’s website and RSVP for the event. Your confirmation will include access to the Zoom meeting.

Jain Connect is a modern way of meeting people in our community. We do this through our online platform (and soon to be released app). When you sign up for our platform, you’ll be able to search other singles that are compatible.

Visit www.jainconnect.net to get started!

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