White Sage: Burn 1 mini-sage (3”) and you’ll achieve 94% purification maintained for 24 hours. Even more — A whole 30 days later, much of the bacteria that was found before the smudging remained undetectable in that closed room. When external spaces are being cleansed from smoke, why can’t our internal spaces? No wonder I’m in a great mood when I’m burning sage.
When to smudge: When you feel yourself in a negative mood, or a negative state of mind consistently over a period of time, it’s time to smudge your space.
Don’t judge it, smudge it!
Palo Santo: Palo Santo is a sacred fragrance tree in South America that means “Holy Wood”. It is similar to Frankincense, Myrrh, and Copal resin incense.
Benefits of Using Palo Santo: Removes negative energy, Drives away mosquitoes and insects, Disinfects air, Used for relaxing the mind and body. Also used in flu, cough, asthma (Prepare it in tea or warm water)
Our Palo Santo wood is 100% natural, no trees or forest are harmed to gather these sticks. Use these sticks to purify objects, homes, offices, & self. Just burn the tip and blow the stick, let the smoke of this “Holy Wood” do the magic.
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